Startups of the Year 2023 Interview Series

7 May 2023

Welcome to the free interview series for all of the nominations of the HackerNoon Startups of the Year 2023. What’s Startups of the Year? It’s a celebration of the startups that are STILL surviving and thriving in these challenging times.

Startups of the Year 2023 is HackerNoon's annual flagship event, where 30,000+ startups across 4200+ cities participate in a bid to be crowned the best startup in their city.

The event is slated to go live on May 8th to allow the Internet to vote for their favorite startups. The voting period ends 8 months later, on Dec 31st, 2023, and winners will be announced in Jan 2024. To learn more, see ourFAQ page.

This year, our Editors have curated a whole list of interviews for you to choose from:

1. Startups of the Year 2023: General Startup Interview

2. Startups of the Year 2023: Interviews by Industry

3. Startups of the Year 2023: Interviews by Popular Cities and Regions

To qualify for these interviews, you have to be nominated as a startup of the year in your city. Here’s the procedure to nominate your startup:

  1. Go to the Startups of the Year 2023 website
  2. Go to your individual city award
  3. Click on “Nominate a Startup” and enter the company’s name, description, company URL, and your company email ID.
  4. Our moderators will review your information, and we will send you an email notification of acceptance and rejection. Nominations close on June 1st, 2023.